Commercial Title Insurance Services

Commercial Title Insurance Services

Commercial Title Insurance

What is Title Insurance for Commercial Real Estate?

Title insurance — regardless of whether it’s for residential or commercial transactions — protects the buyer from potential issues that can arise when taking ownership of a property’s title.

Title insurance plays a very important role in the buying and selling of commercial real estate

Because the amounts of money are substantially larger and the financial transaction are more intricate, title insurance can be very complex.

Commercial Title Insurance

Commercial property is different from residential property in a handful of ways. A residential property is generally a one-to-four family unit and can be used as a rental. A commercial property is essentially anything that is not a four-family piece of property and may include hotels, warehouses, apartment buildings and even farmland.

Typically, financial transactions for commercial real estate involve higher sums of money and are more intricate than their residential counterparts. Zoning regulations are also unique to a commercial property.

What separates commercial from residential policies are the endorsements that may be required.   These are driven by the attorney and lender and are transaction-specific. We do refer to our underwriter when required to issue for approval.

Who Handles Commercial Title Insurance?

Attorneys are almost always involved in commercial transactions as they can be very tedious and complicated. We works closely with attorneys, lenders and all parties to satisfy all title requirements for coverage under a buyer/owner’s title policy as well as a lender’s title policy.

In our experience, most attorneys and lenders require a national underwriter in matters of commercial title insurance.

What is the Process for Commercial Title Insurance?

Before We can issue a commercial title policy, we conduct a title search during which we examine all recorded property transfers for the property in question.

The title search traces ownership, reviews liens and encumbrances (such as easements). Our title staff works to ensure we’ve identified the results of each of these liens and transfers. Next, we issue a preliminary commercial title report that the buyer and seller examine before a policy is issued.

We refer and coordinate most of the commercial transaction with our underwriters for their approval and advise as it involves larger amount of Insurance .